はじめまして。 Houston Methodist Research Institute, Dept. of Nanomedicineの横井健二と申します。
私のラボでは固形癌転移のメカニズムの解明、癌の機械的な微小環境の解析の基礎研究に参加していただけるポスドクもしくはVisiting Scientistを募集したく思います。詳しい研究内容は下を参照ください。
Postdoctoral fellow or visiting scientist position will be available in Kenji Yokoi’s lab (https://yokoi.hmailabs.org/)
in the Dept. of Nanomedicine, Houston Methodist Research Institute (https://www.houstonmethodist.org/for-health-professionals/department-programs/nanomedicine/) to join the following two projects:
1: National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded project to investigate the bio-physical roles of the pre-metastatic niche evolution on transport of circulating tumor cells in the blood vessels.
We will image and quantify development of the pre-metastatic niche and transport/arrest of the circulating tumor cells in the blood vessels of metastatic tumor models in mouse.
We will also determine the specific gene signatures in the extracted metastatic cancer cells and the pre-metastatic niche cells to elucidate potential therapeutic targets.
2: Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) funded collaborative project titled "Imaging the mechanical microenvironment in cancers using ultrasound".
We will image and quantify the mechanical tumor environment using novel ultrasound-based device during tumor progression, metastasis and anti-cancer therapy in mouse models. These results will be correlated with pathological, molecular biological parameters, and genetic signatures in extracted cancer cells and non-tumor cells in the tumor microenvironment.
Applicants should hold a Ph.D., MD, or DVM degree and have a strong background in cancer biology, molecular biology, or genetics with experiences on handling mouse tumor models, imaging techniques,
immunohistochemical, and gene expression analysis.
Interested candidates can contact Dr. Yokoi with curriculum vitae.
Kenji Yokoi, MD, PhD,
Associate Professor of Nanomedicine, Academic Institute
Associate Member, Research Institute
Houston Methodist
6670 Bertner Ave., R8-217, Houston TX 77030
E-mail: kyokoi@houstonmethodist.org